Monday, February 20, 2012

shameless ignorance

i know nothing, 
of poets

besides the repeated names 
and worthless praise

i know nothing,
 of poetry,

no formats, 
hell i can't even name five poets.

i know,
i don't quite care.

i dabble and scribble,
and scrabble,
     in brambles.

i know nothing, 
of poetry.

but when,
i touch pen to paper.

poetry knows,
something of me.


  1. I like this piece a lot. I can be getting a completely different message than what you intended, so I'll just state an opinion. Often times, people toss aside the work of others. It doesn't have a big name, it's not famous, it can't be any good. Yet people still write, they write what they want, they put their soul onto paper, and they don't care. These people are higher than any famous "poet" in my opinion. Tbh, I don't read shit from famous poets because it doesn't speak to me. There's no soul in it to me. Not knocking them, obviously it's good if they became famous, but I'll take reading pieces like this anyday. To me, this is art.

  2. Everything is art. Thank you for your kind words. I intend no messages. What you gather from it, you intended to receive.
